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Jazzical Interpolation (jazzical.it)

Info Summary

  • jazzical.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 329.5KB in size and has been downloaded 4466 times since Wed 27th Feb 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 45106
  • Downloads: 4466
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 217e837d6af080c0781f0b3368725da2
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 329.5KB
  • Genre: Jazz - Modern

License License

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Released: February 26, 2002. Format: 24-Channel IT Created with ModPlug Tracker.

This is a short little tune based on the concept of a Jazz "Head-Tune." A Head Tune is basically a chord progression, sometimes with a melody as an exposition, which jazzers will solo over. At the end of the chart, after everyone's taken their own solo, they then all play solos at the same time. This turned out to be rather interesting work for me, and I had some fun making it. You may notice that it sounds as though it were done on a synth (or just MIDI even); this is due to my using GM samples in the tracker. Enjoy!

- christofori

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Info Internal Texts *

      Jazzical Interpolation
         by Christofori
      >>   02.26.2002   <<
      Please play this tune
      in the ModPlug Player
      with the Max Polyphony
     set as high as possible!
   >>Preferrably 128 (400mhz)<<
           Genre: Jazz
       Running Time:  2:32
      Format: 24-channel IT
 Pushing about 73 sound channels
   Greets and Hello's go out to
    Libris, AcidSoul, BardCat,
   warhawk, Gargoyle, Schabuda,
   AcidDose, Loric, grl, and all
   the other cool people on the
    ModArchive channel on IRC,
    as well as all the people
    that are listening to this
     tune, and those who have
     heard any of my others!
   This tune was my attempt at
    creating a catchy, upbeat
    jazz tune.  I pretty much
    just came up with a simple
    chord progression like one
     that would be found in a
    "head-tune" and started to
   improvise around with all of
     the solo instruments. :)
     I've again made use of
    DarkHalo's piano sample,
   and the rest are GM samples
    from the ModPlug Tracker.
    You can find this and all
   of my other tunes online at
   www.modarchive.com and also
       at www.modplug.com!
 Contact me by E-Mail at:
 or by Snail:       Chris Molyneux
                        720 W. 8th
                    Ada, OK  74820
   (Snail address will be good
     until around May 2002.)
   >> Thanks for listening! <<

bass drum
rim shot
Cl Hi Hat

Crash 1
Chinese Cym
Crash 2/Splash

Acc. Bass

Piano (Lead)

Alto Sax
Tenor Sax
Bari Sax
Pedal Hi Hat

Piano (chords)
Soprano Sax
Bass Drum
Rim Shot
Cl Hi Hat
Op Hi Hat
Crash 1
Chinese Cym
Crash 2/Splash
Ride Cymbal
Ride bell
Acoustic Bs.
Slap Bass 1
Jazz Gt.
Piano 1
Alto Sax
Tenor Sax
Baritone Sax
Pedal Hi Hat
Piano 1
Soprano Sax

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
